USB2.0 to Serial Converter DB9

מתוך 58מוצר
This USB2.0 serial device provides a simple and easy way to connect universal serial bus and serial port interface. With the advantage of USB port, users have capability to utilize the peripherals with serial interface in an easy to use environment such as plug N play and hot-swap function. This adaptor is designed for ideal connections to cellular phone, digital camera, modem or ISDN terminal adaptor, serial mouse, barcode reader, card reader, PDA, POS and security system....etc. Usb2.0 provides much faster throughput than ever for data transferring
Chipset :  FT232+SP213001
Complaint with USB 2.0 specification
RS232 Serial interface with DB9 connector
Data transfer rate over 1Mbs
Connect serial devices on USB-port (modem, mouse, Graphic-tablet, label-printer and camera
Support remote wake up and power management
  • USB2.0 to Serial Converter DB9
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